Memorial Activity Daniel’s “Negev” machinegun

After Daniel was killed, Alon Taub, a machinegun operator (negevist) from the 6th platoon took Daniel’s Negev, because his own weapon kept jamming. Daniel’s Negev was working flawlessly. The story was published in the “Haarez” paper of August 9, 2006.

We asked that the following word be engraved on Daniel’s Negev:
Daniel’s Negev will remain in the 13th regiment, and every soldier that will be assigned to it will receive the attached pamphlet.

On October 12, 2006, the families of the soldiers who were killed in the war were invited to Biranit to visit the 13th regiment. From around Misgav-am they observed the outskirts of the village of Markabe where from a distance of 1 mile they could see the house were Daniel and his platoon stayed for 3 days before the night of the battle.